EF20 - v1.1

Eurofurence 20
Crime Scene Berlin

Day Thu - Con Day 2 - 2014-08-21
Room Panel Room 7 — 30225
Start time 21:00
Duration 03:00
ID 490
Event type Other
Track Games | Social
Language used for presentation English

Games Corner: Conspiracy M:TG Draft

Come join our M:TG event where we will be drafting from the Conspiracy set. Size up your opponents, call their bluff, and make deals to emerge victorious in this multi-player format. Seats for the draft are limited, so arrive early to avoid disappointment!

Come join our M:TG event where we will be drafting from the Conspiracy set. Size up your opponents, call their bluff, and make deals to emerge victorious in this multi-player format. Seats for the draft are limited, so arrive early to avoid disappointment!